
Exam results
Merit list

Explore Results & Merit Lists

You can check the latest exam results and merit lists on this site. Track your academic progress and make informed decisions for your future.

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Admission Guidance

Unlock doors to prestigious institutions. Find comprehensive guides and updates on admissions.

Merit Lists

Instant access to the latest exam results and merit lists. Track your academic progress and make informed decisions for your future.


Instant access to the latest exam results and jobs test results. Track your academic progress and make informed decisions for your future.

Career Opportunities

Explore job opportunities and career guidance. We provide insights into potential career paths, industry trends, and job openings to shape your professional journey.

Scholarship Updates

Discover available scholarships and financial aid options. We provide updates on opportunities to support your educational journey.

Roll Number Slips

Access your roll number slips for upcoming exams. Ensure you are well-prepared and organized for your examinations.

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“I can’t thank EduHelp.pk enough for their timely updates on exam results and merit lists. As a college student, staying informed about my academic progress is crucial, and EduHelp.pk has made it incredibly easy.”


Ayesha Khan

College Student

“I recently graduated and was navigating the challenging job market when I stumbled upon EduHelp.pk. Their career guidance and job opportunities section provided me with invaluable insights. The information on upcoming events and educational insights have also kept me engaged and informed. Highly recommended!”


Ahmed Malik

Job Seeker

Because you deserve to shine.

Enroll for a new admission on or before December 2018.
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