Jamia Khair Ul Madaris Multan Admission 2024 is open for the year 1444-45 for all new and old students for Darse Nizami, Hifz, Tajweed o Qirat and Takhassus (specializations). The online registration number was issued after filling out the form on the Jamia website. Students above 18 years should bring their original National Identity Card and two recent photographs. Students below 18 years should bring their original B form and two recent photographs. For admission, students should also provide a photocopy of their father’s or guardian’s identity card and phone number. Bring the previous federal-level Kashf-ul-Deraj or federally certified result card.
Jamia Khair Ul Madaris Multan Admission 2024 Last Date
Jamia Khairul Madras Multan is a well-known institution established by Hazrat Maulana Khair Muhammad Jalandhri in Pakistan on 28 October 1947. The purpose of its establishment is to prepare such people who on the one hand are the embodiment of knowledge and action and on the other hand, they become a source of survival and promotion of Islam while fulfilling the duty of leading the nation. The university’s founders, teachers and administrators always strive day and night for this goal.
اعلان داخلہ سال 1445ھ
جامعہ خیر المدارس ملتان داخلہ 2024 سال 1444-45 کے لیے تمام نئے اور پرانے طلبہ کے لیے درس نظامی، حفظ، تجوید و قرات، التخصص کے لیے داخلے جاری ہیں۔
جامعہ خیر المدارس ملتان میں داخلہ 2024 کا طریقہ کار
Thousands of male and female students have quenched their thirst for knowledge from different departments of Jamia Khairul Madras. Now they are engaged in serving religion in Pakistan and most countries of the world. At present the following departments are providing services to the students. Jamia is organized and regulated under the registered Majlis Shuri. Which consists of the best knowledge and opinion of the country.
مزید پڑھیں، بنوری ٹاؤن میں آن لائن داخلہ کا طریقہ کار دیکھیں۔
Jamia Khair ul Madris Contact Number
Address: Basti Baghbanpura, Multan, Punjab
Phone: +92-61-4545783, +92-614545524
Email: info@khairulmadaris.edu.pk
Official Website: www.khairulmadaris.edu.pk
Rasheed Ahmed is a professional education content writer, who have 10 year plus experience in writing. The 50% content of eduhelp.pk is written by Rasheed. He is working on categories like Education & Jobs Updates, Results, Merit list and Roll number slip.